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Caissa Coach Sunny Wins Caissa Standard League 2025 Caissa 教練 Sunny 勇奪Caissa Standard League 2025 冠軍

Sunny and Daniel play chess with framed photos of World Champions on the wall. 
Focused mood.
The Final Battle Between our Caissa Coaches : Sunny Lo vs. AGM Muniz Pardino Alberto 決勝局兩位Caissa 教練對決: Sunny LoAGM Muniz Pardino Alberto

The Caissa Standard League 2025, hosted at the Caissa Sheung Wan Branch, concluded on March 23rd after three Sundays of intense classical chess action. The time control was 90 minutes per player, and there were two games each Sunday. A total of six quality rounds were played. It was a FIDE-rated tournament and attracted a good number of strong players. Among them were some of our Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club coaches and promising young talents who delivered exceptional performances.

經過三個星期日在上環分校的多場高水平比賽,2025 年 Caissa Standard League 於 3 月 23 日圓滿結束。本次比賽每方有 90 分鐘,而每星期日則進行兩輪比賽,一共進行了六輪高質量的對局。這次是 FIDE 評分賽,吸引了眾多優秀棋手參賽,其中包括 Caissa 棋會的教練及年輕棋手,他們在今次比賽都表現出色。

One of our Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club coaches, Lo Cheuk Wai, demonstrated his deep knowledge and strategic prowess by claiming the championship with five points. His final game against AGM Muniz Pardino, Alberto, was a thrilling decider, featuring a bold rook sacrifice that turned the tide in his favor, securing his well-earned victory. Another esteemed coach, AGM Muniz Pardino, Alberto, secured second place with 4.5 points.

本會教練 Sunny Lo 有深厚的國際象棋理論認識及戰略運用,以 5 分奪得本次比賽冠軍。他在決勝局對戰 AGM Muniz Pardino, Alberto 時,施展了一步大膽的棄車著法,成功取得大優局勢,鎖定勝局,最終問鼎冠軍。另一位本會教練 AGM Muniz Pardino, Alberto 亦以 4.5 分 獲得亞軍。

Special mention to our U10 winner, Chong Jake, who impressed everyone by finishing in third place, proving that age is no barrier to excellence in chess. Meanwhile, Balaji Shreenidhi put on a fantastic performance and was awarded the Best Girl Prize. We are all highly motivated and encouraged to continue our journey in supporting women's chess in Hong Kong.

特別表揚 U10 冠軍 Jake Chong,少少年紀的他勇奪季軍,向大家證明年齡絕不是成為一個出色棋手的障礙。此外,Balaji Shreenidhi 在比賽中狀態大勇,榮獲最佳女子棋手獎。我們深受鼓舞,將繼續全力支持香港女子國際象棋的發展。

Players in Action 棋手們比賽中

Winners 勝出者

A big congratulations to all winners ! For full tournament standings please visit



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