Caissa Girls Shine in the Online Match against Shanghai Chess Academy - Caissa女棋手線上對抗上海棋院大放異彩

Under care of coach Astrid, 18 Caissa girls enrolled in a 1.5 hours arena friendly rapid tournament organised and co-hosted by Caissa and SCA. The Caissa team was split in Sheung Wan with 14 players and in Discovery Bay with 4 girls. | 在教練 Astrid 的帶領下,18 名 Caissa 女棋手參加由 Caissa 和 SCA 國際象棋學院院聯合主辦的網上快棋友誼賽。Caissa 隊分別由 14 名上環分校及4 名愉景灣分校的女同學組成。 |
After each game was finished the next game would start as soon as a player was available and as such the players played anywhere between 8 to 12, or more, games. | 每一場比賽結束後,只要有其他棋手完成比場,下一場比賽就會自動開始,因此棋手們可進行 8 - 12 場甚至更多的比賽。 |
Some great games were played and we congratulate all participants. Also glad to see that we had 3 Caissa girls in the Top 3. | 比賽中出現很多精彩對局,同時,我們向所有參賽者表示祝賀,也很高興看到 3 名 Caissa 女同學進入三甲。 |
The Top 5 - 前 5 名:
Zanne 9 points
Shrinidhi 18 points (score of 100%!)
Elaine (SCA) 14 points
Priscilla (SCA) 14 points
Vivien 13 points
Well done Girls!