FM Daniel Lam Wins Caissa CNY 2025 Rapid FM Daniel Lam 勝出Caissa 2025農曆年快棋賽

On 26 January we organised our first FIDE rated event of the year, a Rapid, attended by 32 players. Supported by our guest arbiter NA Nezar Qasem we swiftly moved through 6 rounds of good games and great sportsmanship. | 於1月26日,我們舉辦了今年首個FIDE快棋評分賽事,當日十分熱鬧, 共有32位棋手參加。在裁判NA Nezar Qasem的監場下,一共順利進行了6輪比賽,期間精彩對局不斷,同時各位棋手都展現出優秀的體育精神。 |
Going into round 5 only Daniel and Changhao had the full 4 points and thus met over the board. Daniel won the game and in round 6 he faced Sunny, who in an explosive game, with several pawn sacrifices and an end game of rook vs bishop and few pawns was still held to a draw by Daniel who won the tournamanet with 5.5 points. | 在第5輪比賽前,只有Daniel及Changhao保持4戰全勝,因此兩人被配對進行比賽,結果由Daniel勝出,並於第6輪對戰Sunny。兩人上演了一場激烈的對局,包括多次棄兵進攻和及後的車兵對象兵残局,最終Daniel成功守和。憑著5.5分,Daniel奪得今次賽事的冠軍。 |
Noteworthy were some youth players who managed to be in the top Declan, Chi Ngo (U10) with 5 points and Lincoln (U10) with 4 points ended 3rd and 5th place respectively. Athan (U16) got 6th place trophy. Shreenidhi (U12) also with 4 points just missed out one of the Top 6 trophies and was Best U12 but she was given the Best Girl trophy. Best U10 went to Clement, Chi Wang (4 points too) and U12 trophy went to Brandon (3 points). | 另外, 值得一提的是幾位表現出色的年輕棋手, 包括Chi Ngo(U10組), 憑5分成績, 奪得季軍; 而Lincoln(U10組)則以4分獲得第5名; Athan(U16組)贏得第6名, 而女棋手Shreenidhi(U12組)同樣取得4分, 雖然僅差一步未能進入前六,但卻獲得最佳U12獎及最佳女棋手獎。 最佳U10獎由Clement奪得,而Chi Wang亦取得4分。另外,U12組獎盃則由Brandon以3分贏得。 |
Players in Action 一眾棋手們
Prize Winners 得獎者合照
All results are here 比賽結果可於這裡查看: Chess-Results Server - Caissa CNY Rapid 2025 (Jan 26th)