FM Daniel Lam Strikes Again - Wins Caissa CNY 2025 Blitz -- FM Daniel Lam 再下一城-Caissa 農曆年超快棋賽奪冠

After the 26 January CNY Rapid on 2 February we held the traditional CNY Blitz. | 繼1月26日的農曆新年快棋賽後,我們於2月2日再舉辦了另一場新年超快棋比賽。 |
A good mix of younger and older players created good opportunities for all to learn from one another. | 當日,年輕和資深的棋手聚首一堂,可說是一個互相學習的好機會。 |
Players in Action 一眾棋手們
After all moves were made and all was said and done it was Daniel who towered over the rest of the group with a 100 percent win score: 14 points! | 14場對局結束後,Daniel 取得 14 分,以全勝恣態奪得冠軍,遙遙領先其他參賽者! |
Second place went to Jason (U16), who came out of his chess hibernation with a good score of 10.5 points in this strong field. Caissa coach Sunny, who again had some sharp games over the board with Daniel, scored 9.5 points and ended 3rd. | 第二名由 U16 棋手 Jason 奪得,他在這場高水平比賽中取得 10.5 分的佳績。而Caissa 教練 Sunny 再次與 Daniel 激戰兩回合,最終獲得總分 9.5 分,排名第三。 |
Caissa Girl Shreenidhi with 7.5 points keeps on grossing trophies and went home with the Besy U12 trophy. Caissa's Yue Chun scored 7 points and locked in the best U10 trophy. Well done! | Caissa 女學生 Shreenidhi 則以 7.5 分,奪得最佳 U12 獎盃,為她的獎盃櫃再添一名「成員」。另一位Caissa 學生Yue Chun 以則7 分成績勇奪最佳 U10 獎盃。恭喜所有得獎者! |
Prize Winners 得獎者合照
All results are here 比賽結果可於這裡查看: Chess-Results Server - Caissa CNY Blitz 2025 (Feb 2nd)