International Women's Day - Caissa's Girls Show Strength 國際婦女節—Caissa 女將展實力

March 8th was a day of celebration. Coach Astrid and 12 girls assembled in the Discovery Bay center to celebrate international women’s day and her own birthday. Of course, there was also a lot of chess action! | 3月8日可說是一個「慶祝」日!當天是教練Astrid的生日,同時又是國際婦女節!她和 12 位女棋手齊集愉景灣分校,一起慶祝。當然,那就少不了精彩的對局! |
The day started off with a 5 round tournament. In between rounds there was more chess, crafting, colouring and more fun activities on the terrace. After a couple of greyer days, the sun also joined the celebration. | 她們共進行五輪比賽,而在每場對局之間,棋手們還可以輕鬆下下棋,在課室外的小陽台參與各項活動,例如做小手工及填色畫畫。雖然過往幾天都是陰天,但當日天氣很好,太陽也像是來看熱鬧一樣! |
Congratulations to Shreenidhi Balaji for clinching first place with a perfect 5/5 score. Claire Sun and Pansy Xiyue Wei took the U10 and U8 trophies home. | 恭喜 Shreenidhi Balaji 以5/5 成績完勝勇奪冠軍!另外,恭喜Claire Sun 和 Pansy Xiyue Wei 分別成為U10 及 U8 組別的勝出者! |
After the tournament Coach Astrid gave a clock simul facing 6 teams of girls. Coach Astrid faced a great challenge as the girls were allowed to talk their plans through. Every five moves, they switched who was executing the moves. | 比賽結束後,教練Astrid更與大家進行了一場車輪戰,與六支女子隊伍對戰。這場挑戰賽相當激烈,隊友們可以討論走子計劃,並且每五步就會輪流走子。 |
Congratulations to Vivienne Chen and Clare Nguyen for holding Coach Astrid to a draw, while Shanaya Prasad and Alma Zhang got a certificate for exceptional play. | 最後,恭喜 Vivienne Chen 和 Clare Nguyen 成功逼和教練 Astrid!此外,Shanaya Prasad 和 Alma Zhang表現同樣出色,獲得嘉許證書! |